Protect Your Skin | Limbkeepers Australia
Fragile or thin skin that tears easily is a common problem in older adults. Even some medications can weaken the skin and blood vessels in the skin.
The three major factors that can cause weak thinning skin are age, sun exposure and genetics
To protect thin skin and prevent tears and cuts:
- Wear Limbkeepers Limb Protectors on your arms and also on your legs if they are exposed, for example when wearing shorts. Of course don't forget a hat too! long pants and wide-brimmed hats. Even if your skin isn't weak its wise to wear Limbkeepers arm and leg protectors when doing activities, and especially gardening where its very common to scratch and injure the skin - not to mention insect bites!
- Even with Limbkeepers UVF 50+ Sun Protection, there may be areas of your body that may be exposed to the sun. Remember to limit the amount of time you are exposed to the UV rays of the sun.
- It's always a good idea to keep skin moisturised with a good quality moisturiser too.
- It's generally accepted that vitamin A could improve your skin's ability to tolerate injuries. Talk to your Doctor about whether that could be a good option for you.
Frail skin on legs and arms is easily damaged and can lead to skin flaps which can be very slow to heal. Limbkeepers protect frail, fragile or weak skin from skin tears and skin damage and are a real and effective way to prevent recurring skin tears. In fact Aged Care Health Professionals highly recommend them!
Limbkeepers can help to keep limbs warm for sufferers of Raynauds disease and similar conditions, and are excellent arm, leg and hand protection for all outdoor activities.
Limbkeepers have many practical applications including wound or burn care management to protect newly healed skin, thin, fragile, bruised skin which can often cause tears in the skin, post surgery healing for example hand surgery, carpal tunnel, dupuytren’s contracture. Skin conditions including psoriasis, eczema, scleroderma as well as Raynauds and arthritis relief.
UPF/UV 50+ Sun protection